Arabic Keyboard


The Arabic keyboard is a keyboard layout specifically designed for the Arabic language, and it is widely used by Arabic speakers worldwide. The keyboard has a unique layout that allows users to type the Arabic script with ease and accuracy. In this article, we will explore the history of the Arabic keyboard, its layout, its features, and its importance in the digital world.

History of the Arabic Keyboard:

The Arabic keyboard has a long and interesting history. The first Arabic typewriter was invented by Ahmad Tajjeb Al-Khalil in 1899 in Istanbul, Turkey. The typewriter was designed to accommodate the Arabic script, which has 28 letters and numerous diacritical marks. However, it was not until the 1970s that the Arabic keyboard became widely available. The first Arabic keyboard was designed by IBM for use with their Selectric typewriters.

Layout of the Arabic Keyboard:

The Arabic keyboard has a unique layout that differs from the QWERTY layout used in English keyboards. The Arabic keyboard layout is based on the Arabic alphabet and is designed to make it easy for Arabic speakers to type in their native language. The Arabic keyboard has 28 keys for the Arabic letters, and an additional 13 keys for punctuation marks, numbers, and special characters. The Arabic keyboard layout also features the Arabic diacritical marks, which are used to indicate the pronunciation of the letters.

Features of the Arabic Keyboard:

The Arabic keyboard has several features that make it unique and user-friendly. One of the key features of the Arabic keyboard is the ability to type in both Arabic and English languages. The keyboard has a switch key that allows users to switch between the two languages quickly. The Arabic keyboard also features an automatic diacritic insertion system, which automatically adds the correct diacritical marks to the letters as they are typed.

The Importance of the Arabic Keyboard:

The Arabic keyboard is essential for Arabic speakers to communicate effectively in the digital world. With the growing use of computers and the internet, the Arabic keyboard has become a crucial tool for communication, education, and business. The Arabic keyboard is also important for the preservation of the Arabic language and culture. With the Arabic keyboard, Arabic speakers can easily communicate with each other and share their culture and traditions with the world.

Arabic Keyboard Layout Variations:

While the standard Arabic keyboard layout is widely used, there are also variations of the Arabic keyboard layout based on the region or country. For example, the Arabic keyboard used in Morocco may have a slightly different layout than the one used in Saudi Arabia. However, these variations are minor and do not affect the overall functionality of the keyboard.

Arabic Keyboard Input Methods:

In addition to the standard physical Arabic keyboard, there are also virtual Arabic keyboards that can be used on computers and smartphones. There are also various input methods for typing in Arabic, such as transliteration, handwriting recognition, and voice recognition. These input methods are particularly helpful for those who are not familiar with the Arabic keyboard layout.

Challenges with Arabic Script:

The Arabic script presents unique challenges for keyboard designers due to its complex writing system. The Arabic script is written from right to left, and each letter has up to four different forms depending on its position in the word. Additionally, the script has numerous diacritical marks that can change the meaning of a word. These challenges make it essential to design a keyboard that is user-friendly and accurate.

Arabic Keyboard Adoption:

The Arabic keyboard is widely used in Arabic-speaking countries, but its adoption has been slower in other regions. However, there has been a significant increase in the use of the Arabic keyboard in recent years due to the growing popularity of social media and the internet. The Arabic keyboard is now a crucial tool for communication, education, and business across the globe.

Arabic Keyboard Technology Advancements:

With advancements in technology, the Arabic keyboard has evolved to meet the needs of its users. For example, modern Arabic keyboards have backlit keys for use in low-light conditions, and some keyboards come with software that can recognize and convert handwritten Arabic script into digital text.


In conclusion, the Arabic keyboard has a rich history and is an essential tool for Arabic speakers worldwide. Its unique layout and features make it user-friendly, and its adoption has increased significantly in recent years due to the growing popularity of the internet and social media. The Arabic keyboard is a critical tool for communication, education, and business, and its continued development will ensure that it remains a vital part of the digital world.


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